New WK skatedeck… Black Elk Has Spoken.

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UnknownUnknown-1“The first peace, which is the most important, is that which comes within the souls of people when they realize their relationship, their oneness with the universe and all its powers, and when they realize that at the center of the universe dwells WakanTanka, and that this center is really everywhere, it is within each of us.” — Black Elk

Note from Walt Pourier (Oglala Lakota) Creative Director of Nakota Designs and creator of the Stronghold Society, also created this Black Elk skatedeck for Wounded Knee Skateboards.

Olivia Black Elk married my grandfather Hobert Pourier when my father was 15 years old, she raised him and his brothers and sisters and all of us grandchildren, she was a wonderful grandmother and we loved her very much. It is an honor to  create a skate deck that speaks to our youth about her grandfather Nicholas Black Elk. I know her heart truly represented the youth, myself, my brothers, sisters and all our relatives know this by her example, she was a wonderful grandmother and we love her and miss her dearly.

“Telling our stories of old, through the new creative means of today”, … the creative means this generation understands,  is key to keeping our stories alive. Through this means of skateboarding, art & design we can achieve this.

We support Jim “Murf” Murphy at all he does through Wounded Knee Skateboards, his outreach to youth across this country is awesome. Jim is also a part of our Stronghold Society nonprofit and the Wounded Knee 4-Directions Skatepark plan of action is a project of the Stronghold Society… together with the support of many, we are gonna make a difference with our youth and we support them at all they do.

Jim’s vision and what he represents is the kind of inspiration and hope our Lakota youth need in South Dakota and across this country. We appreciate you more then you know brutha…. “Skateboarding Saves Lives” “micante eten wopila tanka” I give you the biggest thanks I can from within my heart. Gonna be a grand year.

Lots of big stuff to come this year… we promise to keep you in the loop. We appreciate your continued support, because of you, we can do the things we do.  thank you so much.



A Live Life Call To Action event

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Stronghold Society’s
ONE Gathering Skate For Life -DENVER 2011
to benefit the Wounded Knee 4-Directions Skatepark
A Live Life Call Call to Action Campaign

Major Skateboard Event July 9th 2011!

The ONE Gathering – Skate For Life competition will take place JULY 9th 2011 at the Downtown Denver Colorado Skatepark. The skatepark is located on 20th Street and I-25 near the South Platte River – a historical gathering place for the Apache, Arapaho, Lakota, Cheyenne, Comanche, Kiowa, Navajo, Pawnee, Pueblo, Shoshone, Ute and many other Indigenous cultures to this area. The ONE Gathering will prove to be another huge success with proceeds this year benefiting the Wounded Knee 4-Directions Skatepark/Art Studio to be built on the Pine Ridge Indian Reservation (a project of Stronghold Society, a tax-exempt 501(c)(3) non-profit organization).

Last year’s ONE Gathering gained full support from the City of Denver. The event attracted about 5,000 attendees, 100+ skate competitors, 30 vendors, and over 60 awesome volunteers. The stage rocked all day with music from NDAAZ, Jamie Laurie of the Flobots, Gabriel YAIVA, The Beer Boyz (aka nonBeerBoyz for the cause), Trickshot, Racecar Spelled Backwards, Skyline Surrender, etc! Major supporters included FritoLay/Gatorade/Pepsico, VANS Off The Wall, Wahoo’s Fish Tacos, Denver American Indian Commission, Denver Indian Health and Family Services, Tocabe Native American Eatery, G&B Solutions, A-sa-ma-di, Atomic Air, Elevated Color, RMICC and many, many others. The South Dakota GEARUP Program brought over 200 Native youth and the State of Wyoming brought hundreds of youth to attend as well. NOW we are planning for our next ONE Gathering in Denver, CO in July 9th 2011, and we thank you for your continued support of our outreach efforts.

“Skateboarding Saves Lives” is a Live Life Call To Action to support and encourage Native American youth to find hope and ambition to live a healthy life in mind, body and spirit. Our overall goal for the ONE Gathering – Skate For Life is to promote inclusiveness and a positive impact on youth of all races. By incorporating artistic achievement, social change, innovation, education, and healthy way of life outlooks, it will ensure a higher quality of life for all our youth.

You thrive, I thrive, WE THRIVE… as it should be. The Stronghold Society nonprofit dedicated to instilling hope and supporting youth movements through Live Life Call To Action Campaigns.

WE VALUE YOUR CONTINUED SUPPORT in our outreach efforts and in helping us to make this another successful ONE Gathering!

Contact Stronghold Society at or 303-255-1730 and ask how you can help…. Its On!!!

Reaching out for your SUPPORT with this Live Life Call To Action event… together we can make a difference.


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Misun Mills!!! Oglala Lakota, perfect example of native youth living in two worlds, Head Boy Dancer during the 2010 Gathering of the Nations Powwow while participating at the 4th Annual All Nations SkateJam 2010. Misun is member of the Wounded Knee Youth Skatecrew as well as part of the Nakota Dogs Skate Movement… big shout out to this young man!!!, he is making a difference in Indian Country, great example of a spirit on a human journey! wopila tanka little brother.

Misun Mills