On December 29th, 1890 close to 300 innocent people were murdered at Wounded Knee for selfish and ignorant reasons concerning imperialism, greed and thievery. Many Lakotas today still suffer from this tragic massacre. A beautiful “way of life” outlook has been scarred at Wounded Knee. However prophecy states, that there will be NEW BEGINNINGS at Wounded Knee, through this generation of children. New life, new hopes. And it is happening, through some great movements of individuals coming together to support these children. At Wounded Knee Skateboards we will not forget. Wounded Knee Skateboard Manufacturing & Propaganda is dedicated to helping all native youth and to educating others about the true Native American history and of the native “way of life” philosophy… we do this utilizing the new, up-and-coming movement of skateboarding, art & design, film, photography.
We have a vision of building a major skatepark for the children of Lakota Country, and a long term goal of 3 additional skateparks to be built throughout the many communities of the Pine Ridge Reservation. Through the children new hopes and dreams are arising. The skateparks will provide them with something to do, physical activity, outdoors, a healthy way of being, give them a new movement they can call their own. With the help of Nakota Designs (Lakota owned design firm) and many, many supporters, we have made huge strides in bringing this visions to reality. Upon building of the Wounded Knee 4-Direction Skateparks, WK and the foundation of Nibwaakaawin will host skate events with the help of our dedicated sponsors, to show support of this movement for the Lakota children. We could use your help, your support, donations, even purchase of WK product, portions of your purchases will also go to support these kids and to allow for more product giveaways to native youth in this country in need of quality skateboards and clothing they can’t afford. We thank you for your support. wopila tanka.